I am not sure about you, but my handbag is my carry-all. The bigger the bag, the better - so all my "necessary" stuff fits inside. With all my belongings crammed inside, it can make the bag miserably heavy to carry around at times... sound familiar? Well, anyway, recently, I have been looking for a new handbag (and possibly a smaller one), so I thought I would share a few finds.
Fun Handbags
Deux Lux 'Resort' Wristlet sold @
NordstromKate Spade New York 'Charm - Travel Magazine' Clutch sold @
NordstromKate Spade New York 'Barclay Street' Ship Clutch sold @
NordstromTulu 'Katie' Kisslock Clutch sold @
NordstromMuze Oversized Polka Dot Clutch sold @
NordstromLarge Handbags
Steven by Steve Madden 'France' Leather Tote sold @
NordstromElliott Lucca Galacia Exotic sold @
PiperlimeTed Baker London Quilted Patent Shopper sold @
NordstromHalogen® 'Large' Shoulder Bag sold @
NordstromClutches & Smaller Handbags
Halogen® 'Signature' Clutch sold @
NordstromVince Camuto Oversized Snake Print Clutch sold @
NordstromTaylor Pushlock Cross-body sold @
Banana RepublicRebecca Minkoff 'MAC - Mini' Clutch sold @
NordstromMarc by Marc Jacobs Totally Turnlock Percy sold @
Zappos Couture